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Zoning Board 10-13-09


                        Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
                                Meeting Minutes

Date:           October 13, 2009

Present:        Sarto Caron, Chairperson
                Don Beal, Scribe
                Fred Beaulieu, Associate
                Ron Seaburg, Secretary

7:00 PM The minutes of September 24, 2009 were read and accepted.

Sarto distributed Conflict of Interest Forms. Each Board member must complete the online training by December 28, 2009 and every two years thereafter or their employment status with the Town of Holland will be suspended.

7:30 PM Karen Leveille, Project Manager of HAP Housing, and Paul Bracciotti, Senior Planner/Specialist of The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, presented an overview of the proposed Holland Senior Housing initiative and all-boards organizational protocols.

The Board will be provided specific process instructions at the next meeting by the PVPC.

CC:             Building Inspector, Town Clerk, Executive Secretary, HCC, and ZBA file.

                Submitted by:

                Ronald Seaburg